Property of David Pugh in Virginia and Tennessee

In 1806 David Pugh left his wife Sarah in Grayson County, Virginia and moved to Claiborne County, Tennessee with his mistress Nancy Minton. Before his departure he deeded his property to his children.

David Pugh Deed to His Children
August 27, 1806 Grayson County, Virginia

Whereas: David Pew is about to travel to remote parts and has adjudged it expedient to dispose of his estate before he sets out, therefore in consideration of love and affection for his children, he grants to them and to Gaines, as trustee for his wife, all his estate, real and personal, except a negro man, his riding horse, a saddle, gun and wearing apparel which he reserves to his own use. [Family tradition says he took also a gallon of seed corn.] He wants his children paid off as they arrive at age 21 and wants Violet, Samuel, Robert, John, and Ruth to receive as good an education as the others had.

Witnesses: Alexander Smyth, Wm Ballard, George Currin and Martin Dickinson.

Shortly before his death on February 11, 1822, David Pugh deeded to Nancy Minton the property on which they were living in Tennessee.

David Pugh Deeds to Nancy Minton
January 30, 1822 Claiborne County, Tennessee

This Indenture made this 30th day January 1822 Between David Pew of Claiborne County and State of Tennessee of the one part and Nancy Minton of the County and State above said of the other part Witnessth that the said David Pew for and in consideration of his maintainance his life time and one hundred Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Nancy Minton the receipt where of is herby acknowledged hath given granted Bargained and Said aliened Conveyed and confirmed unto the Said Nancy Minton her hairs and assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the county of Claiborne on the waters of Mulberry Creek including a [word crossed out] grist mill the where the Said David Pugh now lives Beginning on a black Walnut running thence North 70 East seventy poles to two maples thence North 20 west 23 poles to A Dogwood and hickery thence South 70 poles to a State line thence East with the State line 121 poles to a poplar thence south 110 poles to A stake on Howards line thence North 65 East 90 poles to the Beginning to have and to hold the aforesaid land with all and singular Rites profits imoluments hereditaments and appunitenances of in and to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to the only proper use and betook of her the said Nancy Hinton her heirs and assigns forever and the said David Pugh for himself his Executors and administration doth convenant and Agree to and with the Said Nancy Minton her heirs and assigns that the befor recited land and Bargined promises he will warrant and forever defind against the Rite title interest or Claim of all and Every person or persons whatsoever in witness where of the said David Pugh hath here unto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written signed sealed and delivered in presents of

George (his mark) Hopkins
Benjamin (his mark) Wadkins
David Pugh {seal}
Burrel G. Sulavan
George Mcniel
Samuel (his mark) Jones
Peter (his mark) Cliper
State of Tennessee February Term 1822
Claiborne County

Then was the Exicution of the within deed of
Conveyance duly proved in open Court by
the Oaths of George Hopson and Samuel Jones
this Subscribing Witnesses thereto and was sd
mited to record and ordered to be registered

B Cloud Clerk
{Registed the 2 October 1822}
{William Rogers Register for}
{Claiborne County by his }
{Deputy Joseph McCleary }

This Indenture made this 30th day of January 1822 Between David Pugh of the County of Caliborne and State of Tennessee of the one Part and Nancy Minton of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnessed that the Said David Pugh for and in consideration of his Maintainance as long as he lives also the Sum of fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the Said Nancy Minton her Heirs and assigns forever the following Speces of property that is to say still of Eightyfour Gallons with all the still tubs and all the vessels belonging to Said still also three beds in furniture with all the House hold furniture that he now possesses also twenty head of hogs and four Cows and three Calvs also his tools of Every discription to have and to hold the aforesaid property with all and singular the rights profits Emoluments to the only proper use and behoof of her the said Nancy Minton her Heirs and assigns forever and the said David Pugh for him self his Executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the Said Nancy minton her Heirs [word crossed out] or assigns that the before Recited property he will warant and forever defind against the right title Interest or Claim of all and Every person or persons whatsoever in witness whereof the Said David Pugh hath here unto set his hand and seal the day and year above written

Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of
George (his mark) Hopkins
Benjamin (his mark) Wadkins
David Pugh {seal}
Burrel Sullavant
George McNeil

Samuel (his mark) Jones
Peter (his mark) Cliper

State of Tennessee
Claiborne County { February Term 1822
Then was the Execution of the within deed of conveyance duly proven by the oath of Georg Hopkins and Samuel Jones two Subscribing thereto and was admitted to record [two words crossed out] let it be Registered
Benjamin Cloud Clk

This deed Registered the 10th October 1822
William Rogers Register by his deputy
Joseph MCleary

David Pugh Deed to Nancy Minton
February 4, 1822 Claiborne County, Tennessee

This Indenture made this 4th day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty two Between David Pugh of the County of Claiborne and State of Tennessee of the one part and Nancy Minton of the county and State aforesaid of the other part Witnessth that the Said David Pugh for an In consideration of his - Maintainance as long as he lives also the sum of fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the Said Nancy Minton the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given grant Bargined Sold & Confirmed & do by these present Convey & Confirm unto the Said Nancy Minton her heirs and assigns forever a certain lot or parcel of land containing one acre be the same more or less lying and being in the County & State aforesaid it being a lot of ground Which Which I the sd David Pugh Bought of George McNeill ajoining Thos Jones on the South Peter Clepper on the North & John Stakely on the west To have and to hold the aforesaid lot of land with all & singular the rights profits Emoluments hereditraments & appertinances of in and the Same Belonging or in anywise appertaing To the only proper use & behoof of her the said Nancy Minton her heirs and assigns forever & the said David Pugh for him self his Executors & administrators doth Convenant to and with the said Nancy Minton her heirs and assigns the before mentioned Receited Lot of Land & Bargained promised he with warrant & forever defind against the Right title Interest Claim or demand of all and Every person or persons whatsoever in witness Where of the Said David Pugh hath herewith set his hand and fixed his Seal this the day and year above--- Written

Signed Sealed and delivered } David Pugh {seal}
in presents of } State of Tennessee } February
George (his mark) Hopkins }Claiborn County } Term 1822
Benjamin (his mark) Wadkins } Then was the Execution of the
Burrel Sullivan } within deed of Conveyance duly
George McNeill } proven in open Court by the oath
Samuel (his mark) Jones } of George Hopkins and
Peter (his mark) Cliper } two subscribing witnesses
there to and was admitted to record
let it be registered
Benj Cloud Clk

Registered the 22 October 1822
William Rogers Register
By his deputy Joseph McCleary

Transcriptions courtesy of Daniela Moneta, March 2004, from photocopies of the originals sent from the Register's Office, B:220 and C:153-154, Claiborne County Court House, Tazewell, Tennessee.

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